27 – 29 Jan 2015: MUNIN on E-Navigation Underway 2015

For the third time in a row MUNIN will be present when the international e-Navigation community meets at the e-Navigation underway conference onboard the ferry M/S Pearl Seaways traveling Copenhagen – Oslo – Copenhagen. All days from January 27 to 29, 2015, the exhibition booth can be visited including a mock-up of the MUNIN Shore Control Center and the Autonomous Navigation System with a livelink to simulators in the “Commodore Lounge”. In addition, Hans-Christoph Burmeister, Fraunhofer CML, shortly refers to the integration of the MUNIN testbed in his presentation “The European Maritime Simulation Network: planned and possible future uses“ on January 28.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our exhibition booth!

Find out more about the conference here.