18 – 21 April 2016: MUNIN at the 6th European Research Arena Conference in Warsaw

The Transport Research Arena is the most important transport research event in Europe, gathering every two years the key stakeholders:  researchers, experts, operators, industry and policy-makers. This year´s main theme will be “MOVING FORWARD – Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow’s Mobility”.

Hans-Christoph Burmeister, Group Leader ‘Sea Traffic and Nautical Solutions’ at Fraunhofer CML, will be panelist in the STA2 Strategic Session on Human Factors, Safety and Acceptability in Automation, representing a maritime view on the topic based on the results of the MUNIN project. The session will bring together researchers, industry representatives, operators and users to address the challenges of a future transport system where automation can bring its added value in different use cases, either at urban level or for long distance transport. It will take place on Tuesday, 19 April 2016, from 1:15 pm to 2:45 pm.

Find out more about the conference here.