12 – 14 May 2014: MUNIN on 13th COMPIT

This year, the 13th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT) will be held in Redworth/UK. On Wednesday, 14th May 2014, there will be the following four presentations about the MUNIN project:

  • 08:55h Thomas Porathe (Chalmers TU)
    Remote Monitoring and Control of Unmanned Vessels – The MUNIN Shore Control Centre
  • 09:20h Laura Walther, Hans-Christoph Burmeister, Wilko Bruhn (Fraunhofer CML)
    Safe and Efficient Autonomous Navigation with Regards to Weather
  • 09:45h Harald Rødseth, Brage Mo (Marintek)
    Maintenance Management for Unmanned Shipping
  • 10:10h Ørnulf Rødseth, Åsmund Tjora (Marintek)
    A System Architecture for an Unmanned Ship

The papers are available online in COMPIT’s proceedings.

You can find more information about the conference if you follow this link: http://www.compit.info/