MUNIN on E-Navigation Underway 2014 – Conference Proceedings

The e-navigation community met at the e-Navigation underway conference on the ferry M/S Pearl Seaways, Copenhagen – Oslo – Copenhagen, from January 28 to 30, 2014. Relating to the focus Waypoints beyond the Strategy Implementation Plan the MUNIN project itself and opportunities provided by it to promote the implementation of prioritised e-navigation solutions were addressed. Hans-Christoph Burmeister, Fraunhofer CML, and Ørnulf Jan Rødseth, MARINTEK, gave the presentation Beyond the e-Navigation implementation plan: Development towards the unmanned merchant vessel?

The video of the MUNIN presentation as well as the conference proceedings are available online now!


MUNIN booth open on E-Navigation Underway

e-Navigation underway 2014, M/S Pearl Seaways © Fraunhofer CML

The e-Navigation underway conference on the ferry M/S Pearl Seaways, Copenhagen – Oslo – Copenhagen, has started and the MUNIN booth is open. Fraunhofer CML, MARINTEK and Chalmers Technical University are present to answer questions.


MUNIN presented by MARINTEK at IEEE OCEANS 2013 in Bergen, Norway © Fraunhofer CML

Entitled “Communication Architecture for an Unmanned Merchant Ship” the MUNIN project was presented by Hans-Christoph Burmeister, Fraunhofer CML, at the IEEE OCEANS 2013 conference in Bergen, Norway, 10 – 13 June 2013. The paper was written by Ørnulf Jan Rødseth and Beate Kvamstad, MARINTEK Dept. Maritime Transport Systems, Dr. Thomas Porathe, Chalmers Technical University, as well as Hans-Christoph Burmeister, Fraunhofer CML. In addition, MARINTEK gave information about the MUNIN project at their stand in the Exhibition Hall (see photo).