MUNIN’s Methodology
The project is structured in ten work packages hosting several tasks. The structure of the work packages is shown in the figure below.
General tasks in connection with MUNIN are located in WP 1 Administrative coordination, WP 2 Technical coordination and WP 3 Dissemination.
WP 4 Architecture will develop a feasible and useful architecture for autonomous operations, which includes the analyses of a reliable communication possibility between ship and shore as well as a data management system on board.
In WP 5 Autonomous bridge the tasks performed on today’s bridge are analysed and methods, concepts and technical systems to either perform these tasks remotely from ashore or (semi-)autonomously by the vessel are developed and integrated into a holistic and applicable concept for autonomous operation.
WP 6 Autonomous engine room aims to develop an integrated and appropriate concept for autonomous operations of the technical system of the ship particularly the ships engine.
The autonomous vessels demands by definition a shore side centre, where the remote control of the vessel can be realized. WP 7 Shore side operation centre will investigate the layout of this centre including its software tools, links and organizational procedures. Furthermore, the implications of such a centre for other maritime stakeholders are displayed.
In WP 8 Proof of concept the technical feasibility of the developed concept and technical systems of an autonomous ship is validated.
The central scientific and technical work packages are framed by WP 9 Assessment and WP 10 Future concepts, which require the concept of an autonomous ship as an input to evaluate and further exploit it.
WP 9 Assessment evaluates the individual results of the scientific and technical work packages and the developed concept as a whole with respect to cost-benefit, safety and legal issues.
Within WP 10 Future concepts impacts of an unmanned vessel on further areas will be displayed, such as possible impacts on the technical side, e.g. the overall vessel construction, or on the organizational side, e.g. new possible business opportunities.